It was necessary to create a 'kids table'. I remember the dreaded 'kids table' from my own youth. We took a different approach this time. We created a princess table, complete with flowing tablecloth, silver goblets, a candelabra and gold flatware
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Kids Table
It was necessary to create a 'kids table'. I remember the dreaded 'kids table' from my own youth. We took a different approach this time. We created a princess table, complete with flowing tablecloth, silver goblets, a candelabra and gold flatware
Kids Table
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Early Childhood Educators - Caregivers

I just finished creating some experiences and activities to populate a new teacher website resource. We already have resources for Head Start, Preschool and Environmental activities, but next week we are adding information for the infant and toddler caregivers. You might want to checkout this resource at: It can be a very valuable resource for early childhood educators and caregivers. Hopefully, by the first part of 2008, we will also have information for kindergarten teachers.
Creating these infant and toddler experiences have forced me to analyze the developmental milestones that children achieve during the first 3 years of life. There are so many! It is a wonder that some children survive without any type of support system for these stages. Hopefully, we in early childhood can help more families be aware of these very important changes as the infant grows.
Early Childhood,
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
A New Beginning
Every fall seems like a new beginning in education. I have grandchildren starting school and my daughter-in-law is opening a preschool. Everything is focused on this opportunity to begin a new phase of life. I am looking forward to Monday when I meet my new students for the semester at the university. I am particularly excited as I have the privilege to also work with a group that is exclusively early childhood. My usual groups are comprised of those students, as well as future elementary teachers. As a beginning teacher it took me a while to approach fall with the excitement of what each person could accomplish during the next nine months. I challenge all teachers to approach new groups of children with the attitude of, "How much will each one of these wonderful people achieve this year and how can I help?"
Beinning Education
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Child Proofing the Yard
Last year we purchased a home built in 1919. We gutted the home and worked hard to renovate the entire inside (we did most of the work). This summer it is the yard that needs our attention. The 100+ temperatures, however, have narrowed our working time outside. We are redoing a pond and waterfall, as well as plants and trees. With everything we design we keep the grandchildren in mind. How to make the pond safe, where to built the playhouse, how to make it easy to gather eggs from our chickens, and so on. It is a joy to try to create a safe and fun place for our grandchildren.
Safe Place
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Perpetual Motion

She doesn't stop unless she is asleep. She has been walking for a month so she is unstoppable. Even holding her takes a lot of energy as she is constantly moving. Having just spent three months working on infant and toddler developmental guidelines, it was a reality check to actually participate in those developmental milestones that I wrote on paper. I constantly gain additional respect for parents and caregivers who spend every day caring for the young.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Early Childhood Educators
Sometimes I think that well-trained early childhood educators know too much. It may certainly be the case when we look at our own children and grandchildren. I have three grandchildren (and two adopted grandchildren) in school this year. I have had the opportunity to help or visit several of the classrooms. In some cases I have found very inappropriate classrooms. In other cases, I have found developmentally appropriate environments. My daughter and I had the discussion of how devastating it is to have your own child or grandchild in an inappropriate early childhood setting. Most parents and grandparents don't really know what to look for in school classrooms. I facetiously say that sometimes it is hard to know too much. However, it also allows us to lobby and work for change. The trick is to influence positive change without causing resentment. We'll see what happens...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Finding the Leaks
We have been creating two ponds and a stream in our back yard. It has taken a long time because it has been so hot this summer. Once we had everything in place, the water level kept going down, signaling a leak (or two) somewhere. We have redone the stream/pond numerous times. Even though the decreasing water level has slowed, it is still there. This whole experience has reminding me of working with children. One thing I teach the students in my early reading class is that even the best methods for teaching reading do not work with all children. We need to continue to look for leaks, trying every angle and approach we can, so that we can remedy the problem. It takes a lot of effort and it is sometimes discouraging. But, we don't give up on children....or leaks.
Monday, June 4, 2007
The First Three Years

As I have been writing an organizational tool for caregivers of infants and toddlers, I have been amazed at the developmental milestones that occur during the first three years of life. Having grandchildren in the age range of 11-36 months, it has been nice to see how those milestones occur. It is also evident that it happens at different times for different children. There are things caregivers and parents/grandparents can do to support this development. I am committed to have many more conversations with my grandchildren. The development of language is so critical.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Continuation of Development
I am constantly amazed how important it is for teachers and care-givers to track a child on a developmental continuum. If a child is not progressing at an appropriate pace, the care-giver can provide supportive activities to help the development to continue. This begins soon after birth and continues through the primary grades of school. Looking at continual progress it is also affirming why early childhood is defined as birth to eight. There are so many milestones along the way. I wish we could train parents in early childhood development, as well. It would lead to happier and more well-adjusted children.
Early Childhood
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Developmental Stage
A couple of years ago I attended a workshop given by Dr. David Sousa, author of, "How the Brain Learns." He was explaining the importance of the two year-old developmental stage. This is the time that the logical part of the brain tries to take over from the emotional side (which has been in charge of the child the first two years). That is why children in this stage are very emotional and tend to have some type of tantrum. The worse thing an adult can do is to get emotional during these outbursts. This emotion will continue to feed the emotional side of the child's understanding and thwart the progress of the logical side. I was having lunch with my 5 year-old and 2 1/2 year-old granddaughters this week. What a wonderful experience. The younger girl didn't want to eat lunch at all and then would pout when her sister or I ate any of our lunch. Somehow, we made it through lunch with just a few episodes. It forced me to again remember what I learned from that workshop. Tell the child what she is doing is not acceptable and give her a choice of two other things to do instead. The choice will give the two year-old some of the control. It still works quite well.
Emotional Side
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Evaluation Time
As we reach the end of the traditional school year, many teachers take time to assess where each child is functioning. It is appropriate to report to parents the progress their child made during the school year. I think it is also critical to share with parents the developmental continuum of progress. Sharing information about skills that are appropriate for a child's age level is useful information for parents. It helps them understand where their child is functioning on the developmental road map. It also helps parents who have unrealistic expectations for their child. As long as it is done appropriately, tracking a child's progress is critical to helping a child succeed.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Preschool Behaviors
Today there was a Washington Post article reprinted in the Salt Lake Tribune, Study: Day Care Can Lead to Bad Behavior. It was very similar to an article that I talked about in the blog last year. Some recent research studies suggest that children in daycare and preschools seem to display more behavior problems, which continue through grade 6. The study quoted in this article suggests that this happens even in quality preschool settings. I was disturbed that the study downplays the fact that children in these settings do display increased language and school preparatory skills. In other words, preschool/daycare settings seem to be accomplishing academic tasks. Critics of the research point to the fact that there were no control groups and the turnover in early childhood settings would naturally contribute to children's behavior issues. I agree that social and emotional strategies are not taught and used effectively in many preschool/daycare settings. I also agree that the parent element is often the one that keeps behavior in check, as mentioned in the study. But, I must agree with the critics of the study and add that until we pay early childhood educators a high enough salary to make them stay, the staff transition rates will always be high. Yes, that would definitely effect children's behavior. Unless parents take on a more active role in their child's behavior, school can only do so much. The researchers should not be so quick to blame all negative behaviors on the preschool setting. More funding and parent responsibility seem to be at issue as much or more than the preschool.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Introducing some Animals
We have a pet turtle that lives in our pond. When we went to retrieve her for winter hibernation in November, we couldn't find her. We concluded that she had moved on to greener pastures. Imagine our delight in finding "Gertrude" on the edge of our pond this week. The grandchildren are thrilled to know the turtle is back. The minute they hit the door last summer they were in the backyard looking for Gertrude and wanting to feed her. Between the turtle and the chickens, the kids love to come to visit. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Valentine for Children

It would be nice if on this Valentine's Day, the legislative groups in all the states would decide to give a special Valentine to young children. Fully funding and supporting early childhood programs would be the best gift children could receive. Giving children the opportunity to have a successful beginning to life! It wouldn't even need to be wrapped up in a heart.
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